Moisture /Thickness Meter

Chino moisture meter and thickness meter

Chino has a long track record in online infrared moisture meters that utilize the infrared absorption band of water, and infrared thickness gauges that measure thickness in real time.
Infrared moisture meter uses moisture absorption in the near infrared region and measures moisture from the degree of absorption.
In addition, by changing absorption spectrum used, the infrared constituent meter can measure up to four constituent other than moisture, such as organic matter (fats, oils, starch, sugars, proteins, etc.), coating thickness, film thickness, and alcohol constituent concentration.

Infrared Moisture Meter

Infrared moisture meter uses moisture absorption in the near infrared region and measures moisture from the degree of absorption.
In addition, with an infrared moisture analyzer, the correlation between the degree of infrared absorption and moisture value must be determined in advance.
This is called calibration curve.

Infrared Thickness meter (Constituent Meter)

By changing the absorption spectrum used, an infrared constituent meter can measure constituent other than moisture.
It can measure up to four constituent simultaneously, such as organic content (fats, oils, starches, sugars, proteins, etc.), coating thickness, film thickness and alcohol solvent concentration.

As for the principle

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Choose a Product

Measuring moisture

 IRMA Series

Measuring thickness

film Water-soluble paint Solvent-based paint
  • ■IRMT
    : 0.8μm to 10μm
  • IRMA
  • IRMA7100: 15μm to 700μm
    IRMA7200: 2.0μm to 30μm
    IRMA8100: 15μm to 700μm
    IRMA7800: 500μm to 2mm

    • IRMA

      IRMA1100: 2.0μm to 30μm

    • ■IRMT
      IRMT01: 0.8μm to 10μm
    • IRMA
      IRMA7200: 2.0μm to 30μm
      IRMA7100: 15μm to 700μm

    For other constituent, substances, etc., please check the measurement feasibility determination table or contact us via the inquiry form.

    Pressure resistant explosion proof specifications is also available.

    Product Line

    Moisture, thickness and constituent measurement

    Thickness measurement

    • Models IRMA7800S
      How to Measure Infrared transmission type
      Measurement diameter Φ5mm (50mm between light emitter and receiver)
      Output Update Period 28ms
      This is a thickness gauge that can measure the thickness of films that transmit infrared rays and the coating thickness on films online and non-contact. It is capable of measuring thickness distribution with high resolution.
    • Models IRMT01
      How to Measure 3 infrared wavelengths, P polarized light reflection method
      Measurement area 12 x 20 mm (measurement distance 50 mm)
      Output Update Period 28ms
      This is a non-contact, online thickness gauge that supports continuous, high-sensitivity measurement of film and coating thicknesses of 10 μm or less.

    Setting display (Japan Only) 

    If you have any problems with temperature control,
     please feel free to contact us.

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