Obtain the HS List

About the Chino product non-applicable list

For the convenience of our domestic customers in their export operations, we have compiled a list of our products.
This document has been created for your use as export customs clearance documents or internal management documents, so please do not use it for any purposes other than export customs clearance or internal management.
If you would like to download it, please access the following:

For inquiries regarding this matter, please contact the following email address.
Please note that we do not provide a counter service for issuing certificates of applicability.
CHINO Corporation Export Control Office e-mail: chino-cp@chino.co.jp

Links to related laws and regulations

If you have any problems with temperature control,
 please feel free to contact us.

CHINO Web Membership Information

If you register as a CHINO Web member, you will be able to view the product's instruction manual.
If you wish, we will send you the latest information on CHINO products via email.

You must be a login to download.