Lovibond Color In-Line Measurement Sensor
It is used in many markets, including food oils and fats, chemical products in chemical plants, petroleum products, and many others, and has long been used primarily to control the color of liquids.
The main measurement method is to put the sample liquid into a special glass cell, set it in the device, switch between special color filter, compare visually, and express filter value that appears to be the same color as the color. This is an offline intermittent measurement that artificially switches color filter to measure color.
In addition, since individual differences occur, interchangeable standardization is not possible, and standardized management through mechanization has become an important issue.
Dedicated color filter include red, yellow, blue, green, etc.
A variety of standard colors are represented by combining (overlapping) several color filter.
In our Lovibond color measurement using color difference meters, we create a database of all filter combination data for the range of colors used, and develop a unique computation process to achieve a match between the discontinuous filter characteristic and the continuous characteristic with which humans perceive color. This has made it possible to automatically measure Lovibond colors, which was previously difficult to do.
The IM series is multi-component meter that can measure moisture, organic matter, film thickness, coating thickness, etc. by utilizing the infrared absorption of the object being measured. It can measure the amount of various constituent by using up to 10 wavelengths in the wavelength range from near infrared to infrared. It can also measure up to four constituent simultaneously.
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