
What is a recorder?

A recorder is a free-standing device that has a mechanism for recording the output of a sensor, etc. onto dedicated chart paper or external media such as an SD card or CF card.
We categorize our recorders into three types:
Handheld devices are listed on Handheld Sensors and Loggers.

Recorder classification and selection

1. Recording media and methods

Chart Recorder Chartless Recorder Hybrid Recorder
Record on special chart paper (analog recording only)
chart paper width: 60mm, 100mm, 180mm
Record input data digitally instead of on chart charts Analog and digital records (numerical values) are recorded on special chart paper.
chart paper width: 100mm, 180mm, 250mm

2-A. Select the recording method (for chart recorders and hybrid recorders)

Dot Printing Type Pen Type
Dot printing type uses a dedicated dot printing type to record on chart paper. It is suitable for long-term recording. It is also suitable for recording multiple inputs with one unit.
Recording shape: Dot
The pen type records on chart paper with a pen filled with ink. It is suitable for recording fluids such as liquids and gases that have large displacements per unit time.
Recording shape: Line

2-B. Selecting a function (for chart recorders and hybrid recorders)

Chart recorders and hybrid recorders, which are not chart recorders, have a variety of functions as digital recorders.
The model to be selected can be selected based on the functions.

Image Features and Description Applicable devices
Communication features
You can select Ethernet or serial communication (RS-485, etc.).
Serial only
*Communication function is option (depending on the model).
communication1 Custom Graphics Features
Create a dedicated screen on the recorder. This is useful for process management.
*Custom graphics function is option.
communication1 PDF chart Feature
The recorded data is output as a PDF.
(In addition to analog trends, it also supports product names, lot numbers, list printing, and fixed-time digital printing)
100mm width
100mm, 180mm, 250mm width
communication1 Measurement data protection function
It is equipped with functions that comply with US FDA 21CFR Part 11.

FDA 21 CFR Part 11: Regulations on electronic records and electronic signatures implemented by the FDA (U.S. Food and Drug Administration)
Requirements for replacing paper-based records with electronic media. Established in 1997.

List of consumables for recorders

chart Cartridge pens and ink ribbons used in chart recorders and hybrid recorders
We introduce consumables for recorders.

Product Line

Paperless recorder: W144xH144mm

Paperless recorder: W288xH288mm

Paperless recorder: Dedicated model

Chart recorder: chart paper 60mm

  • Models ES600
    Number of measurement points Dot printing type: 4 types: 1, 2, 3, and 6 points
    Pen type: 1 pen
    Measurement Interval 約10秒
    Recording medium Chart paper
    A compact recorder that is space-saving and convenient for incorporating into equipment

Chart recorder: chart paper 100mm

  • Models EL3000
    Number of measurement points Dot printing type: 4 types: 1 point, 2 points, 3 points, 6 points
    Pen type: 1 point, 2 points, 3 points
    Measurement Interval Dot printing type: 6 seconds/point, Pen format: 125ms
    Recording medium Chart paper
    Analog recorder with simple operation, clear recording, and simple configuration

Chart recorder: chart paper 180mm

  • Models EH3000
    Number of measurement points Dot printing type: 5 types: 1, 2, 3, 6, 12 points
    Pen type: 1, 2, 3 points
    Measurement Interval Dot printing type: 6 seconds/point, Pen format: 125ms
    Recording medium Chart paper
    Simple analog display trend recorder

Hybrid recorder: chart paper 100mm

Hybrid recorder: chart paper 180mm

Hybrid recorder: chart paper 250mm

  • Models LE5000
    Number of measurement points LE5100, LE5200...12 points, 24 points, 36 points
    LE5300: Combine with the input unit KE series for up to 336 points
    Measurement Interval LE5100, LE5200...
    0.1 sec/all points
    1 second/all points
    Recording medium CF card, chart paper
    High-speed, high accuracy 250mm hybrid recorder

Module type recorder

  • Models FE1AX, FE1DX, FE1DY, FE1CM, FE1PS
    Number of measurement points/period 100 points/100ms
    Input Signal Thermocouple, resistance thermometer, DC voltage, unified instrumentation signal
    Accuracy ratings ±0.05% of reading
    *Please see the catalog for details.

    Module-type recorder that allows configuration and real-time monitoring via a web browser

Web recorder

  • Models SC5000
    Number of measurement points 120 points
    Measurement Interval 1/2/3/5/10/15/20/30 seconds
    1/2/3/5/10/15/20/30/60 minutes
    Recording medium USB memory
    Visualize the site online with the SC5000 series Web recorder

If you have any problems with temperature control,
 please feel free to contact us.

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