Risk Management

We position correct recognition of the risks surrounding the Group and appropriate response to such risks as one of the most important management priorities. In order to gain stakeholder trust and increase our corporate value, we will work on risk management company-wide in accordance with the following policies.

  • By implementing education, training and drills and sharing information, we strive to ensure that each and every employee complies with laws and regulations and develops risk sensitivity.
  • All organizations will work to continually improve their risk identification, assessment, and control activities in order to strengthen their overall risk response capabilities.
  • In the event of a crisis, we will prioritize the safety and health of our stakeholders and take responsible action to conserve management resources, minimize damage, and ensure a rapid recovery.
  • We will monitor the appropriateness and effectiveness of our risk management processes on a daily basis to ensure the continuous development of our business.
  • We will disclose risk information to society in an appropriate manner and reflect societal demands related to risks in our risk management.
[Established on November 12, 2018]

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