Diversity & Inclusion

The CHINO Group is committed to respecting and enhancing diversity and inclusion based on the following declaration:

CHINO Group Diversity & Inclusion Declaration

The social environment surrounding us is changing dramatically, and the speed of change is accelerating. In order for a company to respond accurately and flexibly to diversifying customer needs and social issues under these circumstances, it is essential to establish an organizational culture that allows each employee, with their diverse personalities, to maximize their potential.
Based on the three core values set out in its management vision - "Co-creation, features, and Trust" - the CHINO Group will promote various diversity and inclusion initiatives so that diversity, including gender, age, nationality, values, and the presence or absence of disabilities, can be respected and used as a strength of the organization to lead to innovation and the creation of new value.

November 2021
CHINO Corporation
Representative Director and President Mikio Toyoda

Diversity Promotion Initiatives

In order to achieve sustainable growth and increase in corporate value in a rapidly changing market environment, we believe it is important to respect diverse perspectives and values and use them to improve organizational vitality and strengthen corporate competitiveness. To this end, we are working to recruit and develop diverse human resources, foster a corporate culture that is inclusive of diversity, and create a work environment where each employee can make the most of their characteristic and capabilities.

The latest status of our initiatives can be found in the Chino Report 2023.

Women's empowerment

Our current priority is to develop team leaders who are candidates for managerial positions, and we are working to increase the ratio of female managers (section chief and supervisor class) to 30% or more by 2026. (For details on specific initiatives and schedules, please refer to the "Action Plan Based on the Act on Promotion of Women's Participation and Advancement in the Workplace.")

Key indicators for promoting women's participation in the workforce

year 2020年 2021年 2022年
sex male woman male woman male woman
Gender configuration 77% 23% 78% 22% 78% 22%
Managerial position ratio 97% 3% 96% 4% 96% 4%
Ratio of senior employees 75% 25% 73% 27% 74% 26%

Employment of people with disabilities

We are working to improve the work environment so that people with disabilities can work with enthusiasm, experiencing personal growth and feeling a sense of contribution to the organization and customers.

Mid-career recruitment

We aim to build an organization in which experienced personnel with excellent specialized knowledge, skills, and abundant experience can play an active role in various departments, and we are actively recruiting experienced personnel and promoting them to managerial positions (general manager and section manager level).

Mid-career hiring ratio based on the Labor Policy and Training Act

year 2020年 2021年 2022年
Percentage of mid-career hires among total hires 46% 24% 18%
Percentage of mid-career hires in management positions 23% 24% 23%

Work-life balance

We have introduced systems to promote work styles that meet the needs and life stages of each employee, such as telecommuting, flexible working hours, and systems to support the balance of work and childcare/elderly care. (For details on specific systems, please refer to the "Support for Balance" section below.)

Key indicators for work-life balance

year 2020年 2021年 2022年
Annual paid leave utilization rate 56% 58% 63%
Average overtime hours per month 9 hr 8 hr 8 hr

Support for balancing work and family life

To enable employees to continue their careers while dealing with various circumstances, such as childcare, elderly care, and medical treatment, we are working to enhance support systems that enable flexible working styles and to promote their use by publicizing them to employees.

Childbirth and childcare balance support system

Maternity leave 6 weeks before birth, 8 weeks after birth, maternity leave system
Childcare leave system A system that allows employees to take leave for childcare up to the age of one (if the child cannot be admitted to nursery school, the system can be extended until the child is two years old)
Childcare reduced working hours system A system under which regular working hours can be reduced to 5 hours a day in principle until the child is 3 years old, and to 6 hours in principle until the child is over 3 years old and not yet entering elementary school.
Morning sickness leave system When morning sickness is severe, paid leave equivalent to the remaining paid leave days from the previous year is granted
Nursing leave system Leave system for children to attend school for up to five days per year per child, or ten days per year for two or more children, for sickness, injury, or vaccinations
Staggered working hours system Staggered work hours for commuters who use public transport
Period of application of the childbirth and childcare balance support system
Period of application of the childbirth and childcare balance support system

Status of use of support for balancing childbirth and childcare

year 2020年 2021年 2022年
sex male woman male woman male woman
Childcare leave acquisition rate 18% 100% 30% 100% 71% 100%
Rate of people returning to work after taking parental leave 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%
Rate of short-time work 13% 100% - - - -

Caregiving work-life balance support system

Nursing care leave system A system that allows employees to take a total of 365 days off for nursing care
Reduced working hours for nursing care A system that allows employees to reduce their regular working hours to four hours a day in principle, and can take leave in one-month unit for up to three years.
Nursing care leave system Leave system for caring for family members who require care or other assistance

Support system for balancing work and personal injury/illness

Personal injury/illness leave system Leave of absence system according to length of service
Hospitalization cost assistance Partial subsidy for extra bed charges
Return to Work Program System Support system for returning to work after leave of absence

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