Based on our corporate philosophy of "challenging the limits of measurement, control and monitoring technology to contribute to industrial development and the realization of a better society tomorrow," the CHINO Group strives to engage with various stakeholders while contributing to the "realization of a sustainable society" through our business activities, and aims to achieve our own "sustainable growth" and "improvement of corporate value."
In all of our business activities, we will contribute to the realization of a decarbonized society by working to reduce CO2 emissions, promote waste reduction and reuse, and protect biodiversity, while providing products and solutions that solve environmental problems.
While striving to disclose accurate and clear information, we respect dialogue with all stakeholders, including customers, business partners, employees, shareholders, investors, and local communities, to strengthen bonds of mutual trust and work together to resolve various social issues.
We will realize management that is highly trusted by society by conducting honest and fair corporate activities through advanced corporate governance, strict compliance with all laws and regulations, and strengthening risk management.
We will accurately grasp changes and supply safe, high-quality, features products and services that meet market needs, while also providing appropriate product information to ensure further customer satisfaction and excitement.
In order to promote sustainability management, we have established a Sustainability Promotion Council, chaired by the President, since December 2021.
The Promotion Council will formulate policies regarding sustainability activities for the entire Group, discuss directions, and monitor the status of initiatives.
We have established a Decarbonization Project Team (February 2021) to provide new products and services aimed at solving various issues related to marketing to the decarbonization market.
By contributing to the realization of a sustainable society through our group's technologies, we will fulfill our social responsibilities and achieve sustainable growth.
In October 2022, we established the Human Resources & Organization development Committee, chaired by the President and comprised of executive officers, in order to promote human capital management in which management strategy and human resource and organizational strategy are closely linked.
The committee provides a bird's-eye view of the overall human resources management system, examines, decides, and confirms the progress of important personnel measures, such as the future of human resources systems, human resource development, and measures to improve engagement, and promotes personnel strategies that contribute to the enhancement of corporate value.
In order to raise sustainability awareness and accelerate activities among all employees, we established the CSR Promotion Project Team in May 2021.
The CSR Promotion Project is a company-wide organization configuration of 23 members drawn from each division. It is responsible for carrying out CSR activities and awareness-raising activities at each site and division, as well as updating key sustainability issues (materiality) and discussing the formulation of proposals for setting specific indicators.
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