Aiming for zero heat stroke! Creating a safe environment with a WBGT monitoring system

Have you ever heard of the term WBGT?
WBGT is an index of heat that takes into consideration factors such as temperature, humidity, and solar radiation in an integrated manner.
Using this index makes it possible to evaluate and prevent the risk of heatstroke.

In the face of ever-increasingly hot and humid environments, a proper understanding and monitoring of WBGT is important to ensure safety in the work environment and in sporting activities.
Systems are currently being provided to address this need.
Heatstroke prevention information site (Ministry of the Environment)

(Article updated: 2024.12.27)

What is WBGT?

WBGT, also known as the "heat index," is a useful indicator that accurately represents how hot our bodies actually feel.
It is calculated by combining various factors related to heat, such as temperature, humidity, heat from the sun, and heat from the surrounding area.

For example, if this number falls between 25 and 28 degrees, it's a sign to be careful.
If the temperature exceeds 28 degrees and reaches 31 degrees, a warning will be issued saying "It is extremely dangerous!"
The higher this number, the safer it is to limit sports and outdoor activities.

By the way, this summer (2024) was a record hot one, with temperatures exceeding the dangerous level of 31 degrees for 18 days across the country.
This was the hottest temperature recorded since private research institutes began keeping records.
Heat protection is really important.

What is required for a WBGT monitoring system (features)

Real-time monitoring
The heat index is automatically calculated from temperature/humidity, and black globe temperature.
Various alarm functions
Alarm history, graphic notifications, and email notification allow for rapid response to risks.
Indoor and outdoor use
The outdoor environment is also controlled using black globe temperature.
Use as a basis for decision-making
Contributes to work stoppage and safe environmental adjustment decisions.

Case studies

Fujioka City Ono Elementary School


Fujioka Municipal Ono Elementary School in Fujioka City, Gunma Prefecture has introduced a WBGT monitoring system.
WBGT measurement unit have been installed in the gymnasium and schoolyard to measure "WBGT (heat index), temperature, and humidity."
The heat index is display in different colors for each level, and illustrations and comments are display to inform users of dangers in an easy-to-understand manner.
When a dangerous level (high-order level alert) occurs, we have an operation system in place that sends email notification to each responsible person.

This serves as a basis for deciding whether to execution lessons in gymnasiums or school grounds, and is useful for preventing heatstroke.

System specifications example

Compliant with JIS B 7922 Class 1.5 electronic wet bulb globe temperature (WBGT) index meter



This is a monitoring system aimed at real-time monitoring of temperature/humidity, black globe temperature, and WBGT (heat index) within a factory.
When an alarm occurs, you will be notified by notification, graphic screen, and alarm history.
To calculate outdoor WBGT values, black globe temperature is required.
If you are indoors, you can also calculate the WBGT value using the temperature and temperature/humidity.


[Monitoring and recording]
・Monitoring application software CISAS/V4 100 points
- 1 graphic screen (all WBGT measurement points monitoring screen)
・ real trend
・Data list
-Alarm list, alarm history
[data logging]
・Wireless logger transmitters: 15 in total
  MD8000 Series
・ resistance thermometer (specifications vary depending on the installation environment)

Heatstroke Monitoring unit

We also sell heatstroke monitoring unit that can easily monitor WBGT by simply placing them.
We can not only provide you with a system, but also propose systems that meet a variety of your needs, so please feel free to contact us!

(Special page) Heat index (WBGT) compatible! Heatstroke monitoring unit (Special page)
Cloud remote monitoring support Heat stroke monitoring just by placing it

If you have any problems with temperature control,
 please feel free to contact us.

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