Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

The temperature cannot be measured correctly.
1. Is the condenser lens dirty? If the condenser lens is dirty, the temperature may not be measured correctly. Please inspect, clean or repair it.
2. Have you set emissivity according to the object? Check emissivity and perform the measurement again.
3.Is there lack of view? This device display the average infrared energy incident within the measurement diameter as the measured temperature. If there is something other than the object being measured within the measurement diameter, the temperature will be averaged including the non-target object, and the correct temperature will not be displayed. This condition is called lack of view. As the distance to the object to be measured increases, the required measurement diameter also becomes larger, so please check for lack of view.

4. Is there any disturbance? If emissivity is low, infrared rays from the outside may be reflected. Take measures such as shielding infrared rays from the outside.

If you have any problems with temperature control,
 please feel free to contact us.

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